By Brent Easton and Shelley Conners

There are teams of former Mossad members you can hire to kill people in undetectable ways. You have seen the names of Black Cube, Black Water, ShoaX, Fusion GPS, IN-Q-Tel, Palantir, EDS and others in the news lately. These companies are private CIA services. Some of them kill for cash.

There are now a number of dead executives who were a competitive or whistle-blower risk to famous Silicon Valley Oligarchs Jared Cohen, Vinod Khosla, David Drummond, John Doerr, Eric Schmidt, Elon Musk, Larry Page and Mark Zuckerberg.

Did one, or more of these famous digital big shots have their operatives kill for them?

The black operations people involved use shell fish toxins, nerve warfare chemicals, reverse electric heart devices, fires, exotic gas, high frequency nervous system interrupters and all sorts of other James Bond-type tools to kill.

Each of the tools makes the death look like an ordinary heart attack or other natural death.

You are dead and no ordinary coroner can detect the difference between a murder and a bizarre 'accidental' death.

Gary D. Conley was a Silicon Valley competitor and whistle-blower against all of the suspects.  He was found behind Beale Air Force Base in Northern California with a bullet in his head. All of the videos from the nearby base security cameras have gone "missing". A witness claims that there was a man in the back seat of the car Conley was in on the way to the field Conley told others, in emails and phone calls, that he knew the suspects had a 'Silicon Valley Cartel that was out to get him' and he said to others that he was 'spilling the beans on them'. His family and friends say he would never have killed himself. California Attorney General Kamala Harris refused to investigate the case because the suspects are her campaign financiers.

Silicon Valley Oligarchs are generally thought to be sociopaths who have little, or no, respect for laws and who seek to manipulate politics in order to steer trillions of dollars of taxpayer cash into their pockets.

If that seems suspicious, take a look at THIS LIST OF SILICON VALLEY CONNECTED BIZARRE DEATHS